At, BKS and BKHS, we adopt and apply best practice sustainability principles through all aspects of our processes, from raw material procurement through to manufacture, offsite and onsite assembly. Offering only Chain of Custody certified timber materials ensures that we maintain a 'Green Supply Chain'.
ISO 45001
ISO 45001 is a British Standard for occupational health and safety management system that exists to help a range of organisations put in place demonstrably sound occupational health and safety performance. It is widely seen as the world’s most recognised occupational health and safety management systems standard.
ISO 9001
The ISO 9001 is a family of British Standards relating to quality management systems and is designed to help organisations to continually monitor and manage quality across all operations by outlining ways to achieve, as well as benchmark, consistent performance and service.
The Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC) is an international organisation dedicated to promoting Sustainable Forest Management (SFM). PEFC works to ensure that timber and non-timber forest products are produced with respect for the highest ecological, social and ethical standards.
Building Confidence
Achilles Building Confidence is an online registration and accreditation standard used by buyer organisations and suppliers in the UK construction sector. Launched in 2007, Achilles Building Confidence is designed to meet the legislative and risk management needs of construction clients.
Constructionline is the UK’s largest register for pre-qualified contractors and consultants. In terms of efficiency, time and cost saving, as well as best practice, Constructionline is proven to deliver for public and private sector organisations alike.