With eco-credentials of the highest importance in the construction and modern trading world, the maintenance of factors that contribute to the quality of our environment is crucial.

B&K Structures are committed to developing sustainable practices that help ensure the wise use of resources in which economic, social and environmental factors are integrated.  At the same time, we maintain the highest level of quality, service and value for money in our industry.

As part of our commitment to sustainability, we only procure timber from well managed and legally compliant sources. To assure responsible source verification of timber products, the company has gained FSC® and PEFC Chain of Custody Certification (FSC License code FSC-C005169 & PEFC License No PEFC/16-37-640). This ensures that cultivated timber is replanted, the local ecology has been protected and that forest workers are treated fairly whilst at the same time achieving the maximum score in our client’s BREEAM assessment. 

We believe that our Chain of Custody assurance will differentiate our timber products and services.

Wood has the unique ability to decrease the amount of CO2 and other greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere and store it as carbon. Although the weight of timber can vary by species per cubic meter, carbon makes up approximately 50% of the weight. The tree becomes a carbon sink, the product of which is subsequently stored in the building as part of the structure.

Solid wood products such as cross laminated timber (CLT) and glulam are far less energy-intensive to produce and apply than alternative construction materials. Structural timber elements are extremely carbon efficient to harvest and transport, as well as producing very little waste during production. Offsite manufacturing has the added benefit of fewer deliveries, further cutting emissions.

Carbon Output

Tonnes CO2
CLT Scheme
Tonnes CO2
Concrete Scheme
Net Carbon footprint of a 10 storey building
CLT Scheme
Concrete Scheme
Deliveries required for a 10 storey building

Social Sustainability

Sustainability is not limited to the environment. B&K Structures are constantly finding ways to improve our social contribution, not just in terms of our business and its employees, but in our structures and the people who use them.

Our long and varied history, along with our group backing, helps us to build responsibly and to understand the implications of our work. We commit a great deal of time and energy to lessening the effects of building on the surrounding community and place considerable emphasis on health and safety.

Health & Safety

Health and safety is at the centre of B&K Structures’ corporate social responsibility commitment. We have been recognised with a RoSPA Order of Distinction for 22 consecutive years of gold awards pertaining to health and safety.

We continually run schemes that help us to maintain our outstanding health and safety track record. This includes a sub-contractor ranking scheme that allows us to target those who fail to adhere to our stringent policies and to bolster their understanding. We are regularly recognised for our commitment to health and safety and hold a number of awards and memberships as a testament to this


We know more than most the impact construction can have on the local community. Our DfMA (Design for Manufacture & Assembly) approach takes the local community into consideration by moving a large amount of construction work offsite. This results in a quieter, cleaner and less disruptive building site.

By using offsite methods, we’re also able to reduce the overall amount of trades, further decreasing the social impact. This is further compounded by the decrease in deliveries, helping to improve traffic flow and minimise noise and air pollution.

Future Proof

We are strong believers in using our expertise to help build a better future and we are taking huge steps to achieve this. We are passing on our expertise to young people through apprenticeships and sponsored education programmes, a programme in its 10th year.

B&K Structures have also been lucky enough to discuss our approach and ethos with regular CPD’s held across the UK. We have delivered over 200 of these presentations to everyone from architects and main contractors to students. We are at the forefront of timber construction and are heavily involved with Timber Research and Development Agency (TRaDA) and have been instrumental in writing the recently launched National Structural Timber Specification document that will help pave the way for future advancements in timber building.

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Delivering New and Refurbished Workspaces for Creative Enterprises

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